
sixty four


For now....



20+ hours of studying for one exam.... 
I was extremely nervous and stressed before the exam, wondering if I studied enough.... In the end, I walked into the room, read the textbook 30 minutes before the start time.. and got more stressed, because there was a question I did not understand...

When the test started.. I looked at the first page... Instant stress LOL.

But... I went through the questions and just answered with what I could...

After the longest 3 hours of my student life, I had finished the exam..

Try doing square root equations and decimal point square roots with a $5 calculator - the one you find on top of your office table... LOL.
Other students had scientific calculators that had brackets and all the fancy shmancy stuff... I might as well have just calculated with my head....

Anyway... Handed the test to the professor... I was the first to finish - Instant anxiety.

He looked over it as I was packing up... I look up... He's nodding and moving his head around... Not smiling, not frowning..

He approached me... 'Right, right, wrong, right.. Keep this up for the next few pages and you'll be right..'

Just as I was about to leave.. He approached me again... 'Right, right, right, right'. Mmmm, yeah you should be alright..'

I felt good... until I realised he only checked the theory/multiple choice stuff... The calculation parts were at the end... LOL. BUT MEH. It's all done now.... We'll just see....

After the exam... DINNER TIME!
Went with Michael and Eero.

$7 bulgogi + beer =]

And now here I am... Sitting here after watching border security and what-not...

My JDM Headlights are coming in soon.. So that's exciting... I'm annoyed though, because I now have to pester Hemi again to stand by the telephone at home because my Netbank security function is going ballistics... Sigh...

But... A lovely and praiseworthy day =]

I got approached by Korean cultists again... It was in a dark street at night.. Kinda scary... They asked me something in Korean.. I said I can't speak Korean well.. They asked what about English?.. I said I do.. But I wasn't interested... They were quite pushy about it... and it's now my second time being approached by this particular group of people..

They stop you on the streets and show you a slideshow on their iPads or iPhones... 

Very... pushy..

Thankful: EXAMS DONE. Exam went better than I had expected. Studying paid off.

Prayerful: A weekend of rest and Sabbath.