by obedoei
fifty seven
Just got home... its 5am now... So I'll make this a quick one.. Quite tired and still not 100% sober..
Anyway, I woke up to these two bowls on my table.
My other room mate gave me these because I always wash his dishes HAHA!
Had these once in Sydney.. Back in early 09 with Avi. I had just got my driver's license and we popped by the Asian groceries and bought these for $2 (normally $6) probably because they were nearing expiry.. HAHA.
That's dried tofu inside.
After hot water.
Soft, sweet tofu... Mmmm...
And then my dreaded Operations Management class... Hardest class and brain frying..
During one of the breaks... I found out that students from the DIS (Division of International Studies) get free food during exam week. BAM. Got a free rice ball.... LOL. Soooo good.
And then after class, dinner with Julia and Nichole.. before Karaoke... haha... FRIED CHICKEN... and 2L of beer.
Best.. I paid $8 all up for chicken and 1L of beer.
And yeah... so we stayed at Karaoke for a good 2-3 hours... what the heck. LOL.
Free day tomorrow though.. so =D
Thankful: End of yet another uni week!
Prayerful: Self-control.. with alcohol.
Dangers: Intoxication = Bad.. Maybe I had too much to drink tonight.. I had forgotten that Nichole cannot drink that much as well.. So I should've just ordered 1L instead of 2L... If it was 1L, it wouldn't have been a problem.