
one hundred and forty two.

No clubbing tonight... Wooo!!!

Woke up feeling better.. So thank you for all your prayers and concern toward my disturbing ailment...
But I can feel the health coming back haha =]. Not as sore, dry or cough-y anymore.

I met up with Eero, Jas and Carolyn at Shinchon for dinner + Karaoke. Wonjoo joined us a bit later and it was a very very fun night. My sore throat meant that I couldn't go all out... But it was never about me listening to the sound of my own voice =].

Eero drank a little too much but making sure he got home okay was the least I can do for what he's helped me with these past 4 months. Him getting safe was a priority.. Luckily I was pretty much sober at this stage, so it wasn't a struggle for me =D.

All up a fun night.. Defs do it again =D.


Thankful: Nothing bad happened tonight.

Prayerful: A clean, safe and worthwhile last few days with Eero... It is quite fitting for the oldest friend to stay the latest.

Dangers: Things I do in my spare time.... Often wasted and bad practice in general.