
two hundred and ninety

38 days since last post... Yes... This blog is pretty much dead, but so is my exchange period soon and so is my laptop haha...

I'm actually typing this on Selina's laptop as we are waiting for Steffy and Jo to watch Fast and Furious 6. Hehe..


This month is June.......


My flight is on the 29th... I can't believe that it's finally the homecoming month. You know it feels like it was just last week that I thought to myself: "I don't know if I can last 10 months here in Korea..."... But here I am.... 

Today's sermon was great..

We're on the fifth week of Leadership, looking at Daniel.

Today, one of the key points that came out was that leaders are faithful. They are disciplined and trustworthy - they keep to their words and rituals.

Daniel had a healthy prayer life - even if his life was threatened; the furnace, the lion's den - he still realised the importance of prayer and kept to it as an utmost priority. 
Instead of running away, or trying to figure things out himself, he prayed - he knew that no matter how big his problems were or how powerful his enemies were, his God (our God) is greater. 

Then I thought about it... I don't have a healthy prayer life, nor do I have any particularly 'good' disciplines... Sometimes I can adopt a reading habit for a week or two... but I find that I am inconsistent. Likewise with this blog.... 

To be honest, I didn't want to blog today... Because I've already shown to you readers that I am inconsistent, and thus why bother?

But that's very selfish and that defeats the very initial purpose of my writing.

In the beginning of my blogging spree (back in the beginning of my exchange), I intended the blog to be as just a self-reflective diary and did not even imagine there would be faithful friends reading it... Now that I think about it, the fact that I knew people were reading it only meant that I should write solely with the knowledge that people are going to read it. It became nothing more than my stage - a place where I can consciously display to people where I've gone, what I've done and how I've been. It soon became a stage where the light shone on me.

For that, I do apologise... Not only to you readers, but also to God.

But that being said...
For those who are worried about me... I am doing fine.

I am approaching my finals week (it's this week actually), which means that this Friday is the last day that I'll be in a Hanyang University classroom.... How scary.....

I just finished my last presentation last Friday and I'm currently finishing up a 15pg report for my Int.Business class.... 

I am really looking forward to going back home to Sydney... to my family and friends... to those who I love and truly miss.

I guess in approaching my last few weeks in Korea, I've developed this blue mindset... There are restaurants and shops that I've always walked past, yet forgotten that it was the first restaurant that I went to in the beginning of my exchange... And with the other good friends I had back then... Perhaps I have gotten used to living in Korea to the point that I feel as if I'm in Sydney - 'old friends' and family sans.

Maybe I will miss this place... The independence, the freedom, the people, the cost of living and the shopping...

But beyond just the good.... That disgusting sewage smell if you walk over a drain, that polluted horizon, the very obvious insole-fitted shoes that most Korean guys wear, the double eyelid surgery on most Korean girls, the drunk old men everywhere, the humble run-down-looking restaurants that serve amazing food, the dirty bathrooms and so much more.

20 days now...

20 days...

I can count them with my fingers and toes... And how funny it is that 9 months ago, 'twenty' was one of the titles in this blog.

All in all, God has taught me so much... Even if there were times when I'd rather get lost in the moment and run wild... He'd always meet me where I am and find that I learnt a good lesson or two along the way...

There are so many things to say to you readers... but perhaps we should book a day for when I get back so we can catch up... I'm sure you'd have far more interesting things to tell me!

BTW... Food for thought for ANYONE in ANY stage in life..

Proverbs 18:9.
One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.

I think this verse talks about responsibility as much as it talks about having an appropriate mindset toward opportunities that God has blessed us with.

For students, we are blessed to have a learning opportunity to glorify God and our parents.

Likewise for workers, we are blessed to be able to earn money and at the same time learn the responsibility in being faithful to our worldly 'master' so that God may be glorified.

Therefore, don't slack off.. Do things not because you have to, but because you can.

(But of course, don't let your works define you... Remember who you are ultimately... children of God).

Thankful: Busy but rewarding times this semester... Learnt a lot academically and about myself as to what I'm capable of as a student and as a person.

Prayerful: A good last 3 weeks... 

Dangers: A reckless attitude approaching the end of this period...